Concrete Sawing and Drilling
Concrete sawing and drilling requires precision work, but our teams at PRO-JET Démolition, a division of Groupe Projet in Montreal, can assist you in carrying out your work, as they have extensive expertise in the field.
We have several types of cutting-edge saws and drills that allow you to successfully complete your projects. We can also take care of your excavation as well as the removal of the concrete in your trenches or any other work.
We have several sizes of equipment featuring catalysts and electrical equipment (Bobcat loader and mini-excavator) to reach all tight spaces. We also have different sizes of excavators with accessories for concrete work.
Call on our expertise by entrusting us with your projects, whether small or large. However, it is crucial before carrying out such work to check what may be under the slabs or in the structure such as electrical wires, water or gas pipes. We, of course, recommend that you work with a recognized detection company to avoid pipe cuts that could generate enormous additional costs due to the damage caused during sawing or drilling.